Monday, December 3, 2007

Reading Assignment for Dec. 3rd-7th

Please read Chapter 3, "Tenants In and Out," Chapter 4, "The Corpse Found," and Chapter 5, "Sixteen Heirs, and answer two of the following questions:

1. Describe Mrs. Wexler's relationship with her two daughters.
2. Sam's obituary mentions that he was a dedicated gamesman and a master of chess. Why might this be significant?
3. What did the design on Sydelle Pulaski's dress remind Turtle of right at that moment?

**Remember to include evidence from the story to support your answers, and don't forget to make your latest prediction as to who the murderer is.

happy sleuthing! :)

*Visit the following link to practice your own chess-playing skills! :)
*Image from


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