Saturday, November 17, 2007

First Reading Assignment

Please read chapter 1, "Sunset Towers," and Chapter 2, "Ghosts or Worse," and remember to take notes as you read... even the smallest detail can reveal the murderer! Next, answer the following questions for this week's posting: At the end of Chapter One, we are told that one of the tenants was a mistake; which tenant do you think this is and why? Also, what does Chris notice through his binoculars? Don't forget to make your first prediction: who is the murderer?!? Good Luck! :) ~ Mrs. Mignosa

Character Web

The Westing Game is full of a remarkable cast of characters with unusual characteristics; in order to solve the mystery and win the $1,000,000 left in Samuel Westing's will, you will need to closely observe each and every one of these characters. The best way to do this is to make notes of their characteristics and look for clues in their alibis and behavior. Please visit the link shown below to create a table of all sixteen characters; make notes as you read, writing down all clues, and remember: even the smallest detail can play a big part in unraveling the mystery of The Westing Game! Good luck, and happy sleuthing! :) ~ Mrs. Mignosa; print out two of the concept wheels and use one "spoke" for each character. Remember to take careful notes! :)

Welcome to The Westing Game!

One fateful day, sixteen people gather together for the reading of Samuel Westing's will. To their surprise, the will turns out to be a contest, challenging the heirs to find out who among them is Westing's murderer. Each week, members will use the clues they've gathered to predict who the murderer is; the students who guess correctly will be awarded a replicated check for $1,000,000 from Samuel Westing's will to commemorate their investigative analysis. Join us in our latest book club, and team up with your classmates to unravel the clues and solve the mystery of Ellen Rasking's novel, The Westing Game!
*Image from: