Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Reading Assignment: 1/7-1/11

We're almost halfway through the story, and the clues are piling up... will you be the one to solve Samuel Westing's murder? Learn more and make your next prediction by reading Chapter 12, "The First Bomb," Chapter 13, "The Second Bomb," and Chapter 14, "Pairs Repaired." 1. Why does Judge Ford's finger suddenly stop at the top of the list of detectives in the yellow pages? 2. According to the fireman why was it not unusual to have had two explosions within two days in the same building? 3. Why did the doorman refuse to accept a tip from the judge? Good luck! ~ Mrs. Mignosa

*This website explains how to take shorthand like Sydelle Pulaski; it may help you solve a clue in the story... :)


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