Friday, December 14, 2007

Reading Assignment for 12/17-12/21

The game is afoot! Being observant of the characters and taking careful notes is the key to unraveling the mystery! Please read Chapter 9, "Lost and Found," Chapter 10, "The Long Party," and Chapter 11, "The Meeting," and answer two of the three questions: 1. Why is Lost and Found a good name for this chapter? 2. Why does Angela become upset when everyone continually asks about Denton? 3. What did Chris suddenly realize as he read the note on the elevator wall? Then, tell us who you're suspicious of in the murder of Samuel Westing. :) ~Mrs. Mignosa

*Visit the following website to see all of the lyrics to America the Beautiful. This song is crucial to solving the mystery, so read it carefully and look for clues:

Reading Assignment for 12/10-12/14

Please read Chapter 6, "The Westing Will," Chapter 7, "The Westing Game," and Chapter 8, "The Paired Heirs," and answer two of the three questions listed here: 1. Explain Mr. Hoo's comment, "The poor are crazy, the rich just eccentric". 2. Why was Chris happy to be selected to play the game? 3. How was Turtle Wexler able to profit from the storm? Don't forget to make notes about the characters as you read! :) Finally, make your latest prediction as to who the murderer of Samuel Westing is. Good luck! ~Mrs. Mignosa

*Visit the following site to practice your word-scrambling skills: (Click on the site and select a category).

Monday, December 3, 2007

Reading Assignment for Dec. 3rd-7th

Please read Chapter 3, "Tenants In and Out," Chapter 4, "The Corpse Found," and Chapter 5, "Sixteen Heirs, and answer two of the following questions:

1. Describe Mrs. Wexler's relationship with her two daughters.
2. Sam's obituary mentions that he was a dedicated gamesman and a master of chess. Why might this be significant?
3. What did the design on Sydelle Pulaski's dress remind Turtle of right at that moment?

**Remember to include evidence from the story to support your answers, and don't forget to make your latest prediction as to who the murderer is.

happy sleuthing! :)

*Visit the following link to practice your own chess-playing skills! :)
*Image from